Wiretap: Video shows white cop flip black student in her desk

Once again

Another video, another white cop, another black kid, this time in a South Carolina school in which a schoolroom incident turns into a cop flipping a student out of her desk, dragging and throwing her across the floor. Via The New York Times.

Deal time

It looks like there could be a budget deal that would last until Obama leaves office. The question is whether the right and/or the left will accept what is basically an Obama-Boehner deal. Via The Washington Post.


Just because the budget deal isn’t dead yet doesn’t mean that House conservatives can’t be trashing it. What happens next, and what will Paul Ryan do? Via Politio.

Cooler things

Dana Milbank: Why Jeb!’s campaign has gone so wrong. Could it be because he’s got cooler things to do than to actually slug it out with the Donald? Via The Washington Post.

Helping hand

David Gergen: If anyone should take credit for Hillary Clinton’s jump in the polls, it’s her friends in the GOP. Via CNN.

Another bomb

Remember Sharron Angle, the failed right-wing Senate candidate from Nevada? Well, she’s back, and the GOP establishment is worried that she could ruin their chances to pick up a seat once again.  Via The International Business Times.

Debunk this

In the argument about how much marriage matters for children, The National Review claims that the science proves that the right is right.

Sleep gap

Science has concluded that the black-white sleep gap is a thing. What science hasn’t been able to tell us is why. There are some guesses, though. Via The National Journal.

Sizzling news

And more science news. This one may not surprise you, but it seems that bacon actually is bad for you. Now they tell us. Via Buzzfeed.

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