Wiretap: Republican pundits say Hillary Clinton won the debate

Game over

Focus groups be damned, the Republican commentariat seems to have conceded the Democratic race to Hillary Clinton. Charles Krauthammer says in The Washington Post, “Game Over,” and Peggy Noonan writes in The Wall Street Journal that Clinton’s real challenge wasn’t in debating Bernie Sanders but in keeping Joe Biden out of the race.

Issues unknown

Lesson from the presidential debates: It’s not just that Democrats and Republicans disagree on the issues; they can’t even agree on what the issues are. Via The New York Times.

Attacking Clinton

Now it’s two GOP lawmakers who say that the Benghazi committee was all about attacking Hillary Clinton. Via The National Journal.

More war

In what must be the saddest irony of the Obama presidency, the man elected to end wars in Afghanistan and Iraq will leave the next president having to face wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. Via Foreign Policy.

Mystery remains

What do we really know about Osama bin Laden’s death? The story is still being written. Via The New York Times Magazine.

Gas attack

It’s not just Volkswagen. Europe’s love affair with diesel has been a disaster. Via Vox.

New suspects

A new look at the Lockerbie bombing. Suddenly there are two new suspects. Via The Atlantic.

Falling down

Lamar Odom’s sad decline – as played out on TV. Via The New York Times.


Photo credit: Ivan T, Creative Commons, Flickr.

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