Cap and trade
Get ready for the big announcement on cap and trade. By 2017, China is ready to begin its program. Maybe the Chinese have been listening to the pope. Via The New York Times.
Cold relations
There will be pomp and much ceremony when Chinese President Xi Jinping arrives in Washington. But, writes The Washington Post, there will be little warmth and even less trust.
Sacred lunch
For the pope, on his visit to America, a sacred mission. And lunch. Via The New York Times.
Emanuel nine
David Remnick’s letter from Charleston: In the aftermath of the Emanuel Nine. Via The New Yorker.
No surprise
Guess who called Marco Rubio “a kid” who “shouldn’t even be … in this race.” Hint: Yeah, you’re right. Via The Hill.
Sliding down
The Washington Post looks at Trump’s poll numbers – he’s still leading – and looks at what might finally be the beginning of a slide.
Hard worker
Meanwhile, Joe Klein writes in Time that Rubio has earned his way into the top tier.
And then there was that time when Carly Fiorina was pro-health-insurance mandate. Via CNN.
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