Show down
And so it begins. As Cruz and Trump hit the GOP leadership in an anti-Iran-deal rally, the House conservatives — the really conservative conservatives – force leadership to postpone the vote disapproving of the deal. They want something more than disapproval. Up soon, of course, is the budget fight that could end up shutting down the government on a showdown over Planned Parenthood funding. Buckle in. Via The Washington Post.
No vote
One strategy would be for Congress not to vote at all on the Iran deal, claiming that a side deal (that is not really a side deal) means they don’t have all the information to vote on the deal, as Barack Obama promised. Via Vox.
Book cooks
Meanwhile, The Daily Beast is reporting that 50 spies have charged that the Pentagon has cooked the books on ISIS intelligence.
Reboot failed
David Graham writes in The Atlantic that the Clinton reboot has failed so far. The question now is whether her re-reboot will work any better.
Misguided wishes
Those liberals who still want Elizabeth Warren to run for president – or to join Joe Biden on the ticket as vice president – don’t understand why she won’t and why that’s the best thing that could happen to the liberal movement. Via Inside Sources.
Primary matters
One more angle on the Iran deal as it pertains to the GOP presidential primary: who will win the all-important Sheldon Adelson primary. Via The National Journal.
New Orleans
If you’re going to read one piece on the 10th anniversary of Katrina, read Charlie Pierce’s haunting meditation on life and death in New Orleans. Via Esquire.
Phone home
The iPhone, in Apple’s big event, didn’t change very much, but history says it has to change hardly at all to keep winning, by a lot, in the global cell phone sweepstakes. Via The New York Times.
Photo credit: Tony Parkin, Creative Commons, Flickr.