Tough questions
Tomorrow, a Denver judge will ask the city’s District Attorney Mitch Morrissey what The Colorado Independent has been asking for years: Why don’t you take on excessive force cases against law enforcement? The judge will specifically be looking at why the D.A. didn’t prosecute Sheriff’s Deputy Brady Lovingier, who slammed shackled inmate Anthony Waller into a courthouse wall without provocation – a story The Indy broke in 2014. The hearing will take place at 2 p.m., hours before the three year statute-of-limitations runs out on the case. Via The Denver Post.
The evidence
You can see the video of the attack below and determine for yourself if Morrissey should have taken on the case.
Horse play
Vandals ran a vehicle into the Cold War Horse, an anti-nuke sculpture near the former site of the Rocky Flats nuclear weapons plant. The piece was slated to be dedicated in October, but the artist says there’s no way to repair it by then. Via Westword.
Deal on
Democrats buffered the president’s Iran nuclear deal from Republican threats, and Colorado’s Michael Bennet joined the pack. In the meantime, Republican Sen. Cory Gardner told The Gazette that the Democrats threat of a fillibuster was “shameful.”
School rules
When it comes to universities deciding whether to suspend people accused of sexual assault, there’s no innocent until proven guilty, for Congressman Jared Polis. “I mean, if there’s 10 people that have been accused and, under a reasonable likelihood standard, maybe one or two did it, seems better to get rid of all 10 people,” The Coloradoan reported him saying to a higher education subcommittee meeting about preventing campus sexual assault.
Trigger happy
A Boulder County sheriff’s commander was brushing up on his shooting skills when he hit himself in the leg – a sure fire sign he needed the practice. “I think he’s more embarrassed than anything. He’s a 34-year-veteran of this office and a good solid cop. He’s always really good at pointing out mistakes other people make in a fun way, so this will be good ammo for the rest of us to return fire,” joked sheriff’s division chief Tommy Sloan.
Shaking hands
Have you checked out Denver musician and recent Late Night Show guest Nathaniel Rateliff and The Night Sweat’s foot-stomping soul song, S.O.B., about withdrawing from booze? Rateliff told Adam Perry of Westword, “I wrote that song about having delirium tremors in order to make light of it, but it was a pretty traumatic situation. I thought I was dying. I was in another country, and I was alone.”
More evidence
Want to hear the song? Here you go.
Morrissey is a useless jerk off. he doesn’t give a flying damn about the citizens of this state, he just wants to protect cops, regardless of what lawbreaking they are involved in.
I’d like to know what the results of a drug test on this miserable cop would be. Steroids, maybe? What else would make one just go nuts and slam a guy into the wall for NO reason? But I’m sure that NO test was done at all on him, regardless of his actions. because as we all know, cops NEVER do anything wrong.
Morrissey needs to quit if he’s just not willing to do the freaking job. He should be prosecuted for dereliction of duty, of nothing else. how much more partisan does he need to prove himself to be?
So much for JUSTICE being anything important in this state. I don’t have much use for DAs as it is, but this useless piece of fluff needs to go AWAY PERMANENTLY. And believe me, I’m holding my tongue in check, and it’s NOT easy.