No compromise
Kim Davis turns down her get-out-of-jail-free card by telling the federal judge that she rejected his compromise plan that would have allowed her deputy clerks to sign marriage licenses for same-sex couples in her stead. And so the Kentucky county clerk ends up in jail for contempt of court, and the debate becomes infinitely more inflamed. Via The Washington Post.
As the migrant crisis in Europe grows worse, the search for a bloc-wide answer just leads to greater divisions. In Hungary hundreds of migrants on trains were being herded into camps. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said “Europe’s Christian roots” were being threatened and that “the problem is a German problem.” Via The New York Times.
Sharing tragedy
Why he tweeted the tragic photo of the 3-year-old drowned Syrian refugee lying dead on the shore: To make people see the worst. Via The Washington Post.
Viral load
But the fact that the photograph went viral shows social media at its most hypocritical and hollow. Via Vox.
Donald ducks
Is the Donald still the Donald if he’s making nice with the GOP establishment, asks The National Journal. Politico says the deal costs Trump nothing.
Family ties
Biden says he doesn’t know if his family can stand the strain of a 2016 run. “The most relevant factor in my decision is whether my family and I have the emotional energy to run,” he told a crowd in Atlanta. Via Politico.
Gaining ground
Rich Lowry writes in Politico that if Republicans are intent on an outsider that Ben Carson is superior in every way to Trump — which is why he’s gaining on him in the polls while everyone else seems to slip further behind.
Long game
Tom Brady wins the long game – winning four games with one pass. Via The New Yorker.
Photo credit: Dideo, Creative Commons, Flickr.