Wiretap: Ten years after Hurricane Katrina, the blame-game rages on

Wasn’t me

Brownie: Stop blaming me for Katrina. Via Politico.

Hindsight is 20-20

Seven essential facts about Katrina 10 years after – all of which point to governmental incompetence in the wake of the storm and the shoddy construction of the levees. Via Vox.

Correlation nation

Do gun laws really matter? According to The National Journal, those states with the most gun laws have the fewest gun-related deaths. There’s another question, though. Does that mean we’ll see more gun laws? (Hint: no way.)

Commute for Carter

By Saturday night, the cars in Plains, Ga., were lined up a half-mile deep to get in line to see Jimmy Carter teach his Sunday school class the next morning. There were rules for the pilgrims: Anyone could get a photo with Jimmy and Rosalyn, but the president did not do selfies. Via The Washington Post.


Oliver Sacks: From whom science became poetry. He died at age 82. Via The New York Times.

Wishful thinking

Robert Shiller writes in The New York Times that many people are worried that the cause of the volatile market is that stocks are overpriced.

The popular kids

The pros and cons of populism. In other words, the Bern and the Donald. Via The New Yorker.

Ready for the fall

OK, it was not a good summer for Hillary Clinton. But does that mean she’s really in trouble? Via The Washington Post.


Douthat: How Donald Trump is like FDR. He’s a traitor to his class. Of course, it’s the only way he’s like FDR. Via The New York Times.


Photo by Lieut. Commander Mark Moran, NOAA Corps, public domain, via WikiMedia

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