In a Washington Post essay, Joel Achenbach calls the horror of the two journalists killed live on TV in Roanoke, Va., the “ultimate selfie” and the “new norm,” in which rage and a gun and two deaths left us with the killer’s murderous Tweet: “I filmed the shooting see Facebook.”
Copy cat
In a 23-page note the gunman sent to ABC News after the shootings, he blamed the Charleston killings for sending him “over the top.” But then he also praised the Columbine killers and the Virginia Tech shooter. Via ABC News.
Rough morning
In Southwest Virginia, viewers of TV station wake up to watch a nightmare. Via The New York Times.
Loaded promise
Following the killings, Hillary Clinton tells reporters, “We have got to do something about gun violence in America, and I will take it on.” Via Politico.
In it together
As China’s economy falters, the world economy has to figure out how to adjust. It’s tougher than you might think. Via The New York Times.
Pick a side
Who won the Trump v. Ramos showdown? It depends, of course, on whom you ask. The Washington Post’s Dave Weigel was in Spokane, Wash., for a Rand Paul rally. And everyone he asked had the same answer. Let’s just say you won’t be surprised to hear what it is.
Celebrity death match
Rich Lowry on Trump v. Jeb!: “It’s like watching a WWE wrestler get a stern talking to from Ned Flanders.” Via Politico.
Between the lines
If Joe Biden does actually get in the race, could that mean he knows something about Hillary Clinton’s emails that the rest of us don’t? Via The Atlantic.
Trouble in paradise
So apparently not everyone loves Bernie: Vermont columnist on Bernie Sanders’ anger issues. Via Seven Days.
Infinity mirror effect, Creative Commons, via WikiMedia.