The jester
Jon Stewart set out to be a working comedian and ended up being an invaluable patriot. So writes David Remnick as Stewart makes his exit from The Daily Show. He was also heroic and persistent, Remnick says. And also funny in the important way that comedians-turned-patriots can be. Via The New Yorker.
Promoting abortion
Milbank: This may not surprise you, but by attacking Planned Parenthood, what Republicans are really doing is promoting abortion. Via The Washington Post.
Super cool
If you want to be like the cool kids — or at least the very rich cool kids — you don’t just give your million bucks to some generic Super PAC, supporting the candidate of your choice. You give money to your very own customized-just-the-way-you-
Tactical care
Hillary Clinton goes up with ad buys in Iowa and New Hampshire. They’re meant to remind you that she cares about people like you, particularly if you’re going to be talking to any pollsters any time soon. Via Vox.
Something about Bernie
Molly Ball on Bernie Sanders: There’s something about Bernie. She goes to find out just what it is. Via The Atlantic.
Not in Kansas
The Washington Post explains why teachers can’t hotfoot it out of Kansas fast enough. Here’s betting you knew the answer before the explainer.
Culinary ethics
Do not read this while eating: But eating chicken is morally worse than killing Cecil the lion. Via Vox.
P.J. O’Rourke: Democrats hate your guts. So, of course, do Republicans. But Democrats really really hate your guts. Republicans may hate your guts, but they really can’t be bothered. Via The Weekly Standard.
Opening up
The latest from Ted Cruz. He doesn’t just ridicule Mitt Romney in private any more. Now it’s all out there in the public. Via National Journal.
Photo credit: Mark Levin, Creative Commons, Flickr.