Donald drama
Everyone knew the Trump campaign would eventually implode. No one knew it would happen so soon. But the reason for the early blow up is clear: Trump’s top adviser. Who just happens to be The Donald himself. Via The New York Times.
Taking aim
The Donald’s attack on John McCain’s POW status is a turning point in the Republican race, writes The Washington Post’s Dan Balz. But not everyone agrees which way it will turn.
Bernie bash
#BlackTwitter turns on Bernie with #Berniesoblack. Sanders may be the darling of the left, but he’s having trouble convincing black activists to join his cause. Via The Daily Beast.
Erasing race
Vox explains why Sanders doesn’t talk much about race. It may have something to do with the fact that Vermont is 95 percent white.
Decent deal
Some are arguing that the Iran nuclear deal is not a good deal. Steve Coll says in The New Yorker that the opponents have it wrong. It’s clearly a good enough deal.
Divided heart
It’s not just your typical GOP voter who can’t decide which of the many presidential candidates to support. The National Journal interviews 50 GOP national committee members — the heart of the Republican establishment — and they’re just as divided.
Not funny
Where you can get some unanimity is the national disgust with Bill Cosby. His defenders have given up after The New York Times got hold of the 2005 deposition in which Cosby reveals the worst. The Atlantic gives a rundown of all the Cosby stuff that’s now in the public record.
Discipline and punish
Has the Los Angeles School District gone rogue in persecuting one of its most celebrated teachers? Via The Washington Post.
Photo credit: Gage Skidmore, Creative Commons, Flickr.