New targets
The Confederate flag issue has been raised and re-raised. The question now is whether the conversation turns to guns. David Frum writes in The Atlantic that sane, incremental steps can prevent gun massacres, if anyone is actually willing to try. Sens. Joe Manchin and Pat Toomey say, via The Washington Post, that they are willing to try to get something passed again this year. The bipartisan pair tried after Newtown, and we saw how that worked out.
Missed chances
Barack Obama regrets his missed opportunities on race and guns. Via The Washington Post.
No. 2
Charles Cooke argues in The National Review that it’s not the 2nd Amendment’s fault.
Trump card
Donald Trump is perversely running better in the GOP early polls than anyone could have guessed. Maybe it’s all a practical joke on the pollsters. But, in any case, you can’t blame The National Review.
Political fight
They may be calling it Obamatrade, but the real fight on the Pacific trade deal pits Cruz and Rubio vs. Paul and Graham. Via Politico.
Green machine
Green energy is suddenly growing more and more affordable. And utility companies are growing more and more nervous. Via The New Yorker.
Strange goals
How same-sex marriage became a central issue for a generation that otherwise seems basically uninterested in the institution of marriage. Via The Washington Post.
In print
If you want to get a read on how the South is quickly changing on the issue of the Confederate flag, take a look at the front pages of Southern newspapers. Via The New York Times.
Photo credit: John Spade, Creative Commons, Flickr.