Wiretap: Right-wing-radio host’s Confederate-flag confessions

Capture the flag

You remember Rand Paul’s right-wing-radio-hosting buddy, The Southern Avenger? He writes in The Daily Beast: I was wrong about the Confederate flag. It wasn’t about heritage. It wasn’t about culture. It wasn’t about states’ rights. It was always about race.


Why Obama chose to use the N-word in a podcast interview with a comedian in a garage. Via The New York Times.

Racist ties

The racist Council of Conservative Citizens is promoting its ties to Republicans, much to the GOP’s discomfort. Via The New York Times.

No solution

John Judis writes in The National Journal that populism will not save the Democrats in 2016. He says that a country wary of brash populism will have to be convinced that inequality is the real problem and that Democrats have a workable answer. Just wait for Hillary Clinton to offer up a middle class tax cut.

Building cases

The Republican case against Clinton in five easy steps. Via The New Yorker.


It’s time to play Supreme Court bingo. Sean Trende thinks he’s got it all figured out. Via Real Clear Politics.

Math problems

How the media used one small study to wildly exaggerate the dangers of edibles. Just do the math, and you’ll see. Via Vox.


Photo credit: Abbamouse, Creative Commons, Flickr.

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