Wiretap: Baltimore-style riots are nothing new, but one thing has changed…

Baltimore-style riots are old news, but things are different with a black president.

New direction

Frank Rich writes that the riots in Baltimore so closely resembled the riots we have had for generation after generation after generation. The difference, of course, is that for the first time, there was a black president. Via New York Magazine.

Old feud

The biker rivalry dates back to the 1960s, but how did it erupt into all-out war outside a restaurant in Waco? Now, nine bikers are dead and 170 are facing murder-related charges. Via The New York Times.

Real defeat

After all the American blood shed in Anbar province, the loss of Ramadi to ISIS is more than a symbolic defeat. It shows, writes Dexter Filkins, how optimism about Iraq is badly misplaced. Via The New Yorker.

Ice pick

Eugene Robinson wonders in The Washington Post why Barack Obama has drilled a hole in his climate plan. If you don’t take a stand in the Arctic, he writes, where do you take a stand?

Sardine squabble

The Republican debate problem: How many presidential candidates can you fit on a stage? And how many are you ready to risk angering by not letting them compete? Via The National Journal.

More coming

Get ready: Now it’s Jindal and Graham who are about to join the race. And there are still plenty to go. Via The Atlantic.

Free education

Bernie Sanders has a plan: Make public colleges free for everyone. Is that how you get elected president? Via Vox.


Photo credit: alpuerto, Creative Commons, Flickr

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