School safety?
A creepy Fountain school cop was arrested after trying to seduce a student via text, reports The Gazette. Not just one text, hundreds. One of the sergeant’s choice messages: “I’ll have my bear suit ready to go and if you ever want to climb in bed with me some morning let me know (not in a weird way lol).” Sure.
Not again
Not even a hint of a repeat, please, via The Greeley Tribune: The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission on Wednesday warned Front Range gas-patch drilling companies about possible flooding. Days of rain have swelled area rivers. In 2013, a historic downpour flooded northern Colorado, taking oil and gas companies (and everyone else) by surprise. Fifty-thousand barrels of oil and toxic drilling water spewed from broken lines and overturned tanks. Companies estimated the damage at $12 million… and an un-tallyable amount of bad press.
Dig this
Noble Energy is going to concentrate even more of its resources in Weld County, reports the Greeley Tribune. The company is shifting a larger share of its operations to Colorado from Pennsylvania. Noble sold 11 percent more oil this quarter than it did in the same quarter last year — but lost $22 million in the process due to rock-bottom prices for crude oil on the global market. The company recently drilled a 9,200-foot horizontal well in central Weld County, according to the Fort Collins Coloradoan. That’s nearly a 2-mile-long oil well.
Emergency services
Who knew about managerial problems on the Aurora VA hospital project seven months before diggers broke ground? The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, that’s who. Via The Denver Post.
Phone home
The ACLU is launching its Mobile Justice mobile app in Colorado. The app is designed to host video, taken on the scene, of cops in action. ACLU Colorado’s John Krieger told the AP that there’s just too many officers confiscating and destroying videos taken by members of the public. “You have an absolute First Amendment right to record police officers, and we encourage people to do so.”
Horror movie
If Texas Chainsaw Massacre freaked you out, read no more. A 48-year-old man has been arrested in Colorado Springs for breaking into homes with a chainsaw. Cops popped him and cuffed him to a chair, which he then used to bludgeon an officer in the head. Via The Gazette.
Photo credit: Pete, Creative Commons, Flickr.