Wiretap: FEC head: Dysfunction reigns, election rules won’t be enforced

Election defection

The head of the Federal Election Commission bears bad news: “The likelihood of the laws being enforced is slim,” Ann M. Ravel, the chairwoman, said to The New York Times. “I never want to give up, but I’m not under any illusions. People think the F.E.C. is dysfunctional. It’s worse than dysfunctional.

Sandtown sorrows

Baltimore’s Sandtown, where Freddie Gray came from, can be a hard place to live and a far too easy place to die. It’s the “hard but hopeful home,” writes The New York Times, to “a lot of Freddies.” The striking photographs accompanying the story were shot by former Rocky Mountain News photographer Todd Heisler.

Zero shades

If you’re a Republican candidate for president, how would you react to Freddie Gray’s death and the events in Baltimore? That’s right. In most cases, you’d say very little. Via The New Yorker.

Equal weight?

Another Baltimore quiz: Guess whose bail was set higher — an 18 year old who smashed a police car window with a cone or the cops accused of killing Freddie Gray? Via The New Republic.

Mounting doom

It may be only a small part of the tragedy that befell Nepal. But the story of when Mount Everest shook and the moments and days that followed is a story of horror and panic. Via The Washington Post.

Number five

National Journal ranks Cory Gardner No. 5 in its power rankings among congressional freshmen. His pluses: He’s a prolific bill writer and he has been out front in protecting the sage grouse. OK, it’s a start.

Lie detectors

A Wall Street Journal/NBC poll shows that Hillary Clinton’s biggest problem as a candidate this year is the same one that dogged her in 2008: Voters aren’t sure they trust her.

Late night

Ben Carson announces for president as many blacks, who once saw him as a hero, believe his legacy is fading. Via The Washington Post.

Tight squeeze

Move over sardines. Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carla Fiorina has jumped into the GOP race-to-the-top with the to-the-point Tweet: “I am running for president.” Via The Guardian.

The talk

A Vermont writer advises voters how to talk to their kids about Bernie Sanders. Because they’ve never seen a politician quite like him. Via Medium.


Photo Credit: Scott Maxwell, Creative Commons, Flickr.

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