Wiretap: Nepal suffers from more than earthquake

Rocky times

Nepal is a country known for its toughness. But the country was already in deep political and economic trouble before the earthquake hit. And the aftershocks will not be limited to those still rocking Nepal and leaving its citizens in fear. Via The New York Times.

Watch out

Even though Elizabeth Warren is not running in the Democratic presidential primary, she remains Hillary Clinton’s greatest threat. Via Ryan Lizza in The New Yorker.

Fuzzy bunnies

Down the rabbit hole with Bill and Hillary, where the Clinton rules  — all of them — still apply. How much is the Clinton Foundation story about Clinton enemies and how much is it about the Clintons? Via The Nation.

Gray matter

The mysterious death of Freddie Gray while in Baltimore police custody remains a mystery. There has yet to be a good explanation for why he was arrested. And there’s no explanation at all for how he died. Via The Atlantic.

Who counts?

In the latest study on whether a college degree is worth the time and money, the answer won’t surprise you: Of course it is. Everyone knows that college is better for “our kids.” The question, Upshot editor Dave Leonhardt asks in The New York Times, is whose kids qualify as our kids.

Lost cause

Many GOP candidates are still out there swinging on same-sex marriage, but what happens if the Supreme Court rules in favor of marriage equality? Do they surrender or does a proposed constitutional amendment – one almost certainly doomed from the start – become an issue in the primary campaign? Via The New York Times.

About time

Will the longstanding Kennedy-Scalia divide on gay rights finally be decided when the court rules on same-sex marriage? Via The Washington Post.

Pressing matters

If you missed Obama’s speech at the White House correspondents’ dinner, here’s the story as told in The Washington Post. The story isn’t bad, but the speech is better.


Photo Credit: Alice Popkorn, Creative Commons, Flickr.

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