Hackers and Cheaters
Hackers used a denial of service attack to shut down computers during Common Core testing in Colorado Springs, reports Debbie Kelly of The Gazette. In another story, she writes that students have been using social media to share test answers. In response, Pearson State Assessment Services is using Google to track the perps down.
Aid and Abet
OK, so you think our educational system is a little messed up. Let’s just say it could be worse. Take a look at these Indian parents climbing school walls to help their children cheat on exams. Via The Washington Post.
Slow Rise
It may look like Commerce City Democrat state Rep. Dominick Moreno is tilting at windmills as he launches a proposal to raise the minimum wage from $8.23 to $12.50. But Moreno is playing the long game to get the hike on the 2016 ballot, reports the Associated Press.
Public Interest
Fort Collins joins a growing list of Colorado cities to weigh setting up its own fiber-optic high-speed broadband and city Wi-Fi, because the telecommunications “free market” has failed to serve the public interest. Via The Coloradoan.
Fetal Abduction
Gruesome details emerge about a Wednesday stabbing in Longmont in which an unborn child was cut from a woman’s womb. The mother survived but not the fetus in the first apparent Colorado fetal abduction case.
Booze News
Colorado craft brewers banned together at Argonaut Liquors to rally around the Keep Colorado Local campaign, an effort to block supermarket chains from selling beer, wine and liquor, reports Westword’s Jonathan Shikes.
Long Walk
The Supreme Court has given anti-abortion protesters the right to make women who are getting an abortion extremely uncomfortable. But the question, asked by the Atlantic, is whether, in the often-chaotic walk up to the abortion clinic, the protesters ever change anyone’s mind.
Slippery Future
Hillary Clinton is the real loser in the Israel election. Now she’s going to be forced to take a side. Via The New York Times.
Poll Troll
Larry Sabato: Two conclusions to draw from early polling: Clinton is going nowhere … yet. And no one likes Chris Christie. Via Center for Politics.
Bragger Rights
John Cassidy on Obama’s victory lap: Sure, he sounded a little cocky in congratulating himself on the state of the economy, but he deserved it. Via The New Yorker.
Photo: Matylda Czarnecka