Demonstrators in Boulder shut down U.S. 36 on Monday in a four-and-a-half minute “die-in” to protest police killings of unarmed black men in Missouri, New York and all over the country. Sheriff Joe Pelle said he’s worried about the disruption it’ll cause, calling it a “no-win” situation.” Via the Daily Camera.
Faith-based groups are already exempt from having to provide access to birth control in their employee health plans if they’re able to bring in a third party that will cover it. But a group of Colorado nuns are saying that’s still not good enough. In Denver on Monday, the Little Sisters of the Poor and four Christian universities in Oklahoma told the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that having to sign the exemption paperwork is itself a way of authorizing access to contraception — an act forced by the government that violates their religious beliefs. Adam Jed, representing the Department of Justice, said that religious groups already get enough exemption under the law, but after the hearing, sister Loraine Marie Maguire from Little Sisters of the Poor explained on the courthouse steps that she and her congregation “are not seeking special privileges.” Via the Denver Post.
Connect For Health — Colorado’s new health insurance exchange under the implementation of the Affordable Care Act – has received nearly $178 million in federal grants since its inception, but how that money’s been spent is now being called into question. Auditors found that the exchange sometimes paid vastly more than the approved amount to contracted vendors, including one instance in which a vendor was paid $3.4 million for a $350,000 contract. There were also some instances lacking proper documentation of the services provided by particular vendors. Interim CEO of the exchange, Gary Drews, said that he “welcomes the auditors input and that his organization is working to improve controls over its finances.” Via the Gazette.