Wiretap: Republicans win in Obamaland

Election Day was obviously a very good day for Republicans. But the real question in our divided country is how well Republicans did in Obamaland — in the land behind what they now call the “blue wall.” Ryan Lizza writes in the New Yorker that in the Senate, Republicans did well, but not all that well. They won mostly in red states that had Democratic senators, who won their seats in 2008. They did win in three Obama states — including Cory Gardner’s win over Mark Udall. It was in the governors’ races that Republicans really broke through — winning 11 races in 22 Obama states. What does it mean? That’s why we have the 2016 elections — so we can find out.

Ezra Klein offers up his five biggest myths about the 2014 election, including a bonus myth: that anyone has put forward an all-encompassing narrative. But his first myth is that Democrats can’t win in midterm elections. He says the Democratic turnout issues with their base are an excuse, not a reason. Via Vox.

Chris “Mr. Fix” Cillizza picks his winners and losers in the election. Mark Udall makes the loser list. The Bannock Street get-out-the-vote project gets a name-check on the loser list. But missing entirely from the list is Michael Bennet, for which he must be eternally grateful.

Alec McGillis thinks he knows why so many Democrats lost on Election Day: bad candidates. Via the New Republic.

Introducing the Rhode Island third-party candidate for governor who won 22 percent of the vote while spending — wait for it — $35. Imagine if he’d spent $50. Via the Washington Post.

Soon-to-be Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell promises the Senate will work harder to actually get things done. But will it work any better? Via the Atlantic.

In a post-election news conference, Barack Obama said he has heard the voters. Ron Fournier writes in the National Journal that he may have said he heard, but he really hasn’t.

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