I saw the frost on the cars from the kitchen window, but it wasn’t until I went outside that I saw the details of what nature wrought during the early morning pre-dawn hours — a fantastically intricate web of tracings and frozen etchings covering the windows, as well as the surface of the hood and the roof. I’ve seen, and scraped, a lot of frost from many different cars over the years, and these were among the most beautiful formations that I’ve seen. Even if you understand the science of frost formation, you have to believe there’s a little bit of magic involved. Later in the day, we projected the partial solar eclipse through a binocular lens, getting an amazingly clear depiction of the moon taking a bite from the sun. And with a typical autumn wave cloud forming over the 14,000-foot peaks of the Continental Divide, the day ended with an intense sunset. All in all, a good day for a shutterbug.
The Colorado Independent,2020
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