Wiretap: Mayday! All America needs is 50 enlightened billionaires

The super PAC to end all super PACs. It’s called Mayday and its goal is to elect people to Congress who will change the system of money in politics. Its motto is “Embrace the Irony.” Its leader, Harvard professor Lawrence Lessig, says it has “the biggest chance to fail of anything I’ve ever done.” People hate money in politics, but do they hate it enough to actually do anything about it. Lessig says to get it done all he needs is 50 billionaires to join the cause. Via the New Yorker.

The National Journal writes that John Hickenlooper is everything that people say they want in a politician. So how is it that is brand seems to be in free fall?

Joe Nocera argues that the moment of truth has come for Obama on methane and fracking. All the president has to do, he says, is follow Colorado’s lead. Via the New York Times.

Why the GOP hates U.S. history. It’s all a matter of those problematic and inconvenient truths. Via Salon.

Scott Walker could win because of Wisconsin’s voter ID law. Via the New Republic.

A smuggled girl’s odyssey of false promises and fear, as migration turns into abduction. A true story of the border. Via the New York Times.

When your rabbi comes out as gay. Via the Atlantic.

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