Wiretap: All pep, where’s the action on climate change?


In New York, in advance of the big United Nations confab on climate change, they’re planning a pep rally for the future of the planet. The one thing you can expect is that the thousands of marchers who come to Manhattan for the rally will be disappointed with whatever half-way measures their leaders agree to do. Via the New Yorker.

The United Kingdom is still united. Thank God, says one Brit who says that if you’re British — not just English or Scottish or Welsh — a yes vote would have meant the end of your country. Via the Telegraph.

What pollsters could learn from prediction markets: The oddsmakers were way ahead of the pollsters in the Scottish vote. Via the New York Times.

Molly Ball wonders in the Atlantic if Tom Cotton, the political wunderkind, is really what Arkansas voters want. Reading his Harvard senior thesis — on why the Founders were wise not to put too much faith in democracy – may help answer the question.

Trey Gowdy had a surprise for everyone in his House select committee hearing on Benghazi. It was actually a hearing about Benghazi. Via Dana Milbank at the Washington Post.

Washington D.C., three states and a U.S. territory are up next in voting on marijuana. Via Vox.

There goes an anti-Obamacare talking point. It looks like they didn’t cook the books on those enrollment numbers. Via the New Republic.

[Photo by Fiona via Flickr/Creative Commons.]

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