Wiretap: 100 years of demonizing the minimum wage, Koch style


All the scary stuff you hear about raising the minimum wage? We’ve been hearing the same stuff for a century – and nearly every time it has been wrong. Here’s on one of the best, as noted by William Finnegan in the New Yorker: “The Fair Labor Standards Act, which set a national minimum wage of twenty-five cents an hour, in 1938, and also abolished most child labor, ‘constitute[d] a step in the direction of communism, bolshevism, fascism, and Nazism,’ according to the National Association of Manufacturers.” Today the Koch Brothers’ adviser, Richard Fink, hits some of the same notes and even adds the possibility of recruitment of suicide bombers.

What happens if Republicans take the Senate? Doyle McManus asks the question and takes a shot at answering it. Via the Los Angeles Times.

Marco Rubio’s anti-Rand Paul foreign policy speech: What it means and what it really means. Via the Fix at the Washington Post.

This is how bad the polls have gotten for Obama: For the first time people disapprove of how he’s handling terrorism. Via the New York Times.

The Scottish independence vote may be more about economic inequality than nationalism. In fact, some are calling it the first referendum on economic inequality. Via the Atlantic.

Michael Eric Dyson writes about the line between punishment and child abuse in the black family. Via the New York Times.

Three Indiana women went to war and Helen Thorpe — Colorado’s no longer First Lady — wrote about them. The Washington Post writes about her book, “Soldier Girls.”

What we know and don’t know about a virus affecting kids that is spreading across the country. Via Vox.

[Photo by The All-Nite Images via Flickr/Creative Commons.]

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