John Hickenlooper’s campaign is out with his first TV ad this week, “Restaurant,” which highlights the governor as a business owner and the political lessons he learned opening urban Denver’s Wynkoop Brewery.
Though Hickenlooper sold his shares of the business back when he was Denver’s mayor, the ad follows him around as he works at Wynkoop — serving beer and food, washing up. Meanwhile the governor narrates in his trademark “everyman” style.
“Everything I know about governing I learned when I was laid off and started a restaurant,” Hickenlooper begins, emphasizing that just like many Coloradans who’ve survived the recession, he knows what it means to lose your job and start over.
The ad goes on to credit Hickenlooper for moving the state from 40th to 4th in job creation and bringing people together.
Hickenlooper closes with on a very Hickenloopery optimistic note, saying, “You’re only as good as the next meal you serve. We’re climbing higher.”
Watch the ad here:
[Still from “Restaurant,” via YouTube]
Create jobs for whom? The illegals, unlawfully in Colorado & unauthorized to work in the USA?
i.e. illegal, Raúl Gómez-Garcia, an employee of Hickenlopper’s Cherry Cricket pub who murdered Denver Police Detective Donnie Young on May 8, 2005, while (D) Hickenlooper was Mayor of Denver.
10 million jobless American Workers for the past 5.5 years.
Time to fight illegal immigration ~ not reward it.