Court says ‘no’ to Oklahoma ban on same-sex marriage

The same-sex marriage ban in Oklahoma violates the U.S. Constitution, a three-judge panel of the Tenth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has found.

This is the second time the court has ruled against a same-sex marriage ban; the first was June 25 in a Utah case. The court put its rulings on hold pending appeal.

In a related development late Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court blocked gay marriages from going forward in Utah for the time being.

In Colorado, responding to an emergency request by Colorado Attorney General John Suthers, the Colorado Supreme Court on Friday ordered the Denver County Clerk to stop issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The order does not apply to Boulder and Pueblo counties, where clerks have been issuing the licenses, according to the Denver Post.

[This post has been updated.]

[Photo of Plaintiffs Mary Bishop and Sharon Baldwin via Freedom to Marry]

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