The Republican establishment, led by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, wins big time in three Senate primaries, which is just what the Democrats hoped wouldn’t happen. The Democrats’ two best chances to upset incumbents, in Kentucky and in Georgia, just got that much more difficult. Via the New York Times.
Why the Republicans are going after the VA — it’s all about Obamacare, of course. Via Joan Walsh at Salon.
Jonah Goldberg at National Review admits Republicans share a lot of the blame for what’s wrong at the VA, but it’s the Democrats, he says, who “talk about how much they love the government.” That’s what he says.
Credit Suisse admits to helping tax cheats cheat — and says that business will go on as usual. Al Capone was obviously in the wrong business. Via the New Yorker.
You just have to read the language in the latest gay-marriage decisions to understand how the Supreme Court will eventually rule on the matter. Via the Daily Beast.
OK, we all wish we had better memories. But do we ever remember thinking we wanted to be in the memory x-games? Here’s how. Via the New York Times.