Why is the Republican civil war so civil? This was supposed to be the year when the Tea Party and the Republican establishment go after each other. And then there was Nebraska, where there seemed to be a merger. As John Dickerson points out at Slate, suddenly Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin are the establishment.
Rich Lowry explains why Ben Sasse won in Nebraska, and what it means for the Republican Party. Via the National Review.
Democrats aim to make the election season this year all about the need to unstack the deck for working Americans looking to get ahead. Toward that end, David Brock’s American Bridge is launching Real Koch Facts, a campaign targeting the billionaire political activist Koch brothers. Brock via Joan McCarter: “The Republican party is the is the party of Koch and we want Americans to understand what that means in their daily lives. [The project will] expose and rebut … their self-serving policy agenda, not only nationally, but in the states. And… do some really deep-dive research into Koch industries and related entities and their businesses practices. At the end of the day what we’re going to show is that the Kochs are leaders of a freakish ideological cult designed to rig the system to their benefit and to rob Americans of Social Security and decent wages.”
Timothy Egan looks at the commencement season and all the speakers who are being turned away. Call it the year of the commencement bigots. Via the New York Times.
Sean Trende argues that Republicans aren’t doomed demographically. He’s maybe the only guy saying it, but he’s saying it on Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball, so it might be worth your time reading.
According to the Denver Business Journal, it doesn’t look good for a local control/fracking compromise, meaning John Hickenlooper wouldn’t get his special session.