The Atlantic writes of how 60 years after Brown v. Board of Education that schools in the South are being resegregated. It tells the story of Tuscaloosa, Ala., where “segregation as it is practiced today may be different than it was 60 years ago, it is no less pernicious: in Tuscaloosa and elsewhere, it involves the removal and isolation of poor black and Latino students, in particular, from everyone else. In Tuscaloosa today, nearly one in three black students attends a school that looks as if Brown v. Board of Education never happened.”
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, described as the Magus of magical realism, dies at age 87. Michiko Kakutani writes in the New York Times of his “voice with the sinuous rhythms of Faulkner and Joyce, the metaphorical reach of Kafka, the dreamlike imagery of Borges.”
Garcia Marquez wrote the greatest opening sentence in a novel — ever. Via Vox.
The polls tell us a lot of things about Obamacare, but one thing they clearly show is that everyone knows that Republicans have come up with no alternative. Via the Washington Post.
Why the 8 million signed: If you’ve ever been uninsured, you can guess the answer. Via Vox.
Linda Greenhouse writes in the New York Times what the Roberts Court really did when it ruled that money was speech and not just speech, but democracy in action.
[ Image: Library of Congress. Henderson County, Kentucky, 1916. “Colored School at Anthoston. Census 27, enrollment 12, attendance 7. Teacher expects 19 to be enrolled after work is over. “Tobacco keeps them out and they are short of hands.” Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940. ]