While President Obama was in Fort Hood at a memorial for the soldiers killed there, a Senate committee was holding hearings on what impact our decade-plus of war in Iraq and Afghanistan has has had on those who served there. The National Journal describes the long-term wars as an “unintended experiment in the impact of prolonged conflict on the human psyche.”
James Fallows tells you five things to do about the Heartbleed Bug, which, on a catastrophe scale of 1 to 10, is an 11. Via the Atlantic.
Obamacare adviser Ezekiah Emanuel tells Ezra Klein how the 7 million who signed up for Obamacare will change how we buy health insurance forever.
It’s fair to say, however, that not everyone is convinced. (Like, the Wall Street Journal op-ed page, just as an example.)
And the White House is still working on what went wrong.
And on a humorous note, Right Wing Watch caught Heritage chief Jim DeMint on the radio saying that the federal government played no role in freeing the slaves. No, really.