Ryan Lizza has written the definitive piece in the New Yorker on Chris Christie and Bridgegate and the peculiarities of New Jersey politics and how Christie bullied his way to the top, or near it, and what the investigations to come might reveal. John Cassidy, Lizza’s New Yorker colleague, sums up the piece this way: “It’s Robert Penn Warren meets Carl Hiaasen on the west bank of the Hudson. By the time you get to the end of it, I bet you’ll find yourself asking the same question I did: How could we ever have taken this bully seriously as a presidential candidate?”
Democrats are far more likely to represent districts where income inequality is the greatest. What that means for the rest of us. Via the Atlantic.
In shocking news, it seems that every year at tax time, in an unregulated industry, unscrupulous tax companies rip off the poor. Do you think Congress could do something about it? Via the New York Times.
Michael Gerson doesn’t think much of Obamacare, but he does think it’s time Republicans agree that health care is a right. Via the Washington Post.
Remember the Medicare cuts that were supposed to come with Obamacare? Neither apparently does anyone else, including the Obama administration. Via the National Journal.
Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush and the politics of exhaustion. Via the Daily Beast.
[…] Wiretap: Big man bully on the west bank of the Hudson John Cassidy, Lizza's New Yorker colleague, sums up the piece this way: “It's Robert Penn Warren meets Carl Hiaasen on the west bank of the Hudson. By the time you get to the end of it, I bet you'll find yourself asking the same question I did: How … Read more on The Colorado Independent […]