Wiretap: Obamacare signups exceed 6 million

The big news is that Obamacare signups passed the 6 million mark. Of course, in truth, no one really knows what that news means. Jonathan Bernstein writes in Bloomberg View what it should mean – that success and failure are the wrong measures. “Complete failure was always unlikely, and not even the most optimistic supporters thought the law would fix everything wrong with health care in the U.S. In the real world, what counts is how well the law performs, what its strengths and weaknesses prove to be, and what fixes would actually improve things.” Unfortunately, almost no one looks at it that way.

Ten key questions on Obamacare, starting with: What happens next? Via the New York Times.

Obama give a speech on Crimea and Russia, and Fareed Zakaria explains that it is Putin who doesn’t understand the 21st century. Via the Washington Post.

Zakaria could say the same about Charles Krauthammer, who thinks it’s the Cold War again and that whatever Obama does is wrong. Via the Washington Post.

According to Fox News 31, today’s report on whether the state needs its own air tanker fleet will be … inconclusive.

A new discovery in Brazil says that South America was settled at least 22,000 years ago. Or much earlier. Via the New York Times.

Malcolm Gladwell writes in the New Yorker about why Waco went so wrong – and how not to negotiate with believers.

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