Fifty years after Lyndon Johnson launched the War on Poverty, the battle now is about who won. Nobody won. You can’t win if you’re still fighting. And every fight on the role, and size, of government starts with LBJ’s little war (and not the Vietnam one). And it’s hard to see how this war is ever going to end.
Unemployment checks, food stamps, Obamacare: It’s all the same fight that started with the New Deal and has been going strong since the Great Society. Via The Washington Post.
Dana Milbank on the GOP’s War on the War on Poverty. Who’s winning that one?
If you’re looking for the face of poverty, it’s probably female. Via Maria Shriver in the Atlantic.
Chris Christie emails from Fort Lee, New Jersey. Via the New Yorker.
The Daily News take:
Question for progressives: How do you solve income inequality without education reform? Answer: You don’t. Via National Journal.
Jayson Stark on why the Hall of Fame can’t get this thing right, even on the day it sort of does. Via ESPN.