Wiretap: For it, then against it; there’s a name for that now

Maybe you’ve wondered why certain conservatives find themselves strenuously denouncing parts of Obamacare that, in the years before they ever heard of Barack Obama, they once supported. Jonathan Chait has a theory. He calls it the Heritage Uncertainty Principle.

It’s not quite hypocrisy. The Heritage Uncertainty Principle is certainly worse. Via New York magazine.

Who voted for the budget bill and why? Via the Washington Post.

General who opened the Guantanamo detention camp says we screwed up. “It validates every negative perception of the United States. In retrospect, the entire detention and interrogation strategy was wrong… We opened it “because we were legitimately angry and frightened.” Detroit Free Press.

Nearly 200 kids shot to death since Newtown. Vast majority in their own homes or in the homes of family friends and relatives. “Seventy-two of the young victims either pulled the trigger themselves or were shot dead by another kid. In those 72 cases, only 4 adults have been held criminally liable. At least 52 deaths involved a child handling a gun left unsecured.” Mother Jones.

Gay sex bans and the British Empire. History as you never knew it before. Via the Atlantic.

Timothy Egan writes that Obama could save his presidency with poetry. What rhymes with “immigration reform”? Via New York Times.

A profile of Fox News’ biggest new star, Megyn Kelly. You can’t resist, right? Via Washington Post

How could Megyn Kelly get things so wrong on the whiteness of Jesus? Via the Atlantic.

The Colorado Independent is a statewide online news source operating in a time when spin is plentiful, but factual, fair and unflinching news in the public interest is all too rare. Our award-winning team of veteran investigative and explanatory reporters and news columnists aims to amplify the voices of Coloradans whose stories are unheard, shine light on the relationships between people, power and policy, and hold public officials to account. We strive to report the news with context, social conscience, and soul, and to give Coloradans the insight they need to promote conversation, understanding and progress in this square, swing state we call home.


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