One in five American children lives in poverty. Nearly half of New Yorkers live at or near the poverty line. The New York Times takes the time to tell the story of one invisible homeless child who lives amid the fabulous wealth of New York City. Read it. And wonder how this happens.
Invisible child: Dasani’s homeless life. Via New York Times.
Ron Fournier, who has been ripping Obama’s competence at National Journal, turns to Republicans.
How Adam Lanza wrecked Obama’s second term. Via the National Journal.
Five almost redeeming stories from a very bad year. Via Amy Davidson at the New Yorker.
Will Colorado have enough pot stores to meet demand on Jan. 1? (Time thinks not.)
You woke up an hour ago to the house furnace blasting away and the pale light-stillness outside and thought: “It’s really cold again in Colorado today.” Then you read this: The coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth comes yesterday via satellite from Antarctica: -135.8F.
[ Image of New York stoop via Juliana. ]