It’s Obamacare Exchange Day. Only 106,000 have signed up for Obamacare in the first month, most of them from California and only 26,000 getting through on the IT nightmare that is the federal exchange. What does it all mean? Ezra Klein says Obamacare is in much more trouble than a week ago. Erick Erickson warns that Republicans are walking into a trap. E.J. Dionne says the president needs to figure a way out of this mess.
Twelve reasons why Obamacare is such bad shape. Via Ezra Klein.
Over at RedState, they’re saying Republicans had better be careful what they wish for.
How does Obama get his friends back? Let’s just say it won’t be easy. Via Washington Post.
Robert Reich says canceling bad insurance policies is a very good thing. No, really. Via Huffington Post.
And if you’re looking for something cheerier, the Atlantic says House GOP looking to impeach Eric Holder, who has nothing to do with Obamacare. And yet.
And in international news, if you want to roll down the river with Tina Turner, you’re going to need your passport.