While Washington is still fighting about Obamacare, the Clintons — who lost the fight on Hillarycare — are moving on. The Washington Post says the Clinton theme for 2016 is beating gridlock. Like Bill did in the ’90s, back when he wasn’t being impeached. You think Hillary’s not going to run?
Is it a rebuke of the Obama years? Sure it is. But the Clintons must figure Obama owes them that much. Via Washington Post.
The Obamacare 3 percenters. Via the New Yorker.
Google and Oracle to the rescue? Tech experts come in to fix Obamacare exchanges. Via the Atlantic.
Same-sex couple files suit to overturn Colorado ban. This was inevitable. Via 7 News.
Jeffrey Toobin explains why the removal of Scheindlin in New York stop-and-frisk case is preposterous. Via the New Yorker.
In Alabama, it’s pro-business Republican vs. Tea Party Republican. And businesses are all in. Via New York Times.
[ Image via SEIU ]