Ezra Klein has the smartest take of the day. He gives us 13 reasons why Washington is failing. How did he limit it to 13?
All the reasons why Washington is so messed up. In one easy lesson. Via Washington Post.
Why can’t Republicans make up their minds on what they want? Via National Review.
Kathleen Sebelius tells you why the exchanges are easy to navigate. No, really. Via USA Today.
EPA contractors doing hazardous material assessments found a body, or the remains of a body, in a debris field west of Loveland in the flood zone.
In case you think things can’t get worse, Michele Bachmann says we’re in “end times.” Imagine if she were the president. Via The Hill.
If you’re an internet troll, i.e., a comment-thread provocateur, you want to bait conservatives. New, not-very-substantial-but-entertaining analysis suggests conservatives get all red-faced enraged by “libtard” comments but that liberal internet readers don’t really care what conservative trolls have to say. Shocking! Also, according to the researchers and perhaps related: “Previous research has shown that incivility does appear to be more common in conservative than liberal media.” Ugly. Via the Washington Post.
Some top public universities are pushing for “autonomy” from their states, and in the process, increasing privatization. via ProPublica.
[ Troll by Jolande Rommens-Musquetier. ]