The “Klanned Parenthood” folks are at it again. In an effort to continue touting the completely debunked theory that Planned Parenthood was created for racist purposes, the group has recently posted a video that superimposes Klan robes on Scarlett Johansson in a PSA for the chain of womens’ health clinics. (Featured below.)
Why Johansson? The film actress was recently featured in a national public service announcement that highlights the services that Planned Parenthood clinics provide.
According to a press release sent out by “Klanned Parenthood,” the PSA “did not mention that Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, a racist who supported the Ku Klux Klan, spoke at their rallies and encouraged the elimination of African-Americans.”
“Klanned Parenthood” was started by Rev. Patrick Mahoney, director of the Christian Defense Coalition. The group’s mission has been to convince members of Congress to stop giving federal aid to Planned Parenthood.
In the past, the group has displayed white sheets, a well-known symbol of the KKK, in front of House Speaker John Boehnor’s office while legislation that would cut Planned Parenthood’s federal funding was being considered.
The claim that Planned Parenthood was created to “kill black babies” has even been touted by presidential hopeful Herman Cain.
According to PolitiFact, the allegations that Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, supported “black genocide” are unfounded:
The supposed evidence that Sanger supported black genocide is a loose collection of her most objectionable statements, her ties to the disgraced eugenics movement, and her work on what was called the Negro Project. That effort, started in 1939, brought birth control services (but not abortion) to black communities in the South. #
Several other celebrities contributed to Planned Parenthood’s “I stand with Planned Parenthood” campaign, as well.
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