Anti-abortion rights group buying Google ad space to misdirect women who search ‘abortion’


Image by: Matt MahurinAn American pro-life group has a serious problem with the way search engines work. Their problem, it seems, is that when a woman searches for “abortion” in Google, she is generally directed to ways in which she can obtain an abortion.

Online For Life, a self-described “non-profit outreach group,” has found a way to change that. The group is buying Google ad space in the hopes of misdirecting women looking for information on abortions.

According to Life News, the group wants to go after the over six million results that abortion-related searches bring up in Google by buying ad space “at the top of some of these searches,” and directing women to “clinics that offer a free ultrasound and pro-life counseling.”

Featured content in Google usually appears on the right hand side of the results page. Some search engines place them before actual search results, which are sorted by relevancy, page views, etc.

From Online for Life’s website:

The premise of Online for Life is simple: find people online who are looking for abortions and provide them instead with an ultrasound and truthful, compassionate, loving care.

Where are hurting and desperate people looking for abortions? On the Internet.

How can we help them choose life for their child and for themselves? Show them an ultrasound of their baby, along with compassionate and comprehensive assistance.

According to Life Site, Online For Life is “expanding into new markets” and “increasing their ad-buys to make it possible to save the next generation of unborn children from abortion.” The site also reported that Online for Life’s technology has “already saved forty babies.”

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