During his afternoon drive time show on KHOW Tuesday, radio host Dan Caplis accused a caller of denying the historical fact that President Barack Obama during a 2007 “Close the God Gap Tour” said, “Elect me president so that I can create God’s kingdom on earth.”
However, historically, Obama never said those words.
“Do you deny this historical fact that during the presidential campaign the Obama campaign launched what it labeled the ‘Close the God Gap Tour’ — during which the president toured the South speaking in blatantly religious terms for the purpose of getting those votes up to and including to the point where he said, ‘Elect me president so that I can create God’s kingdom here on earth,’” Caplis challenged his caller. “Do you deny those historical facts, Jim?”
Caplis appeared to be referring to statements made by Obama at the Redemption World Outreach Center that caused conservative
bloggers to reach for their keyboards during the start of the presidential campaign season.
According to CNN, during the tour termed “40 Days of Faith and Family” in South Carolina, Obama spoke at a number of churches and events to provide information on his religious values. During that tour a video of his speech at the center clearly shows Obama urging people to use their talents in government and community service so that, as he put it, “We can create a kingdom right here on earth.”
Obama held a number of “faith” tours during his campaign, including one in 2008 termed the “Faith, Family and Values Tour” targeting battleground states .
Caplis ultimately hung up on the caller.
Caplis went on to say that if his facts were true, then Obama had used his Christian faith to get votes.
From Barack Obama’s 2007 Speech:
“Whatever job you have, whatever talent you have — and you know that every day is an opportunity for you to be a witness for God and to do work that makes this world better and to care for somebody. And my humble hope is that we can spread that spirit not just in the walls of the church, not just in our own families, that we can infuse our government with that same spirit of service, with that same spirit of charity and love. If we can do that, there is no problem we can not solve. There is no reason we can’t give homes to the homeless, clothe the clothes-less and give food to the hungry…. I ask also that you keep me in your prayers … because sometimes this is a tough road in politics … sometimes you can seek power for powers sake. So I just want you all to pray that I can be an instrument of God the same way that Pastor Ron and all of you are instruments of God. I God bless you. I thank you for this time to visit and worship with you. And I guarantee you this is not good-bye; this is just hello. Because I am going to come back and we are going to keep on worshiping together, and we are going to keep on building together, and we are going to keep on praising together. I am confident that we can create a kingdom right here on earth.”
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