YouTube firewatcher BoulderOSteens has taken some amazing video of the Fourmile fire raging since 10:00 a.m. Labor Day in the mountains and canyons just west of Boulder. A time-lapse video captures shooting flames and hills dotted with smaller fires. Other OSteens videos include tanker plane efforts to control the blaze.
Area residents are also updating in realtime a Fourmile Google map with information about the fire, evacuation routes, road closings and shelter availabilities.
The air tanker video is here. A house in the mountains threatened as fire and smoke closes in all around it is here.
Last year, Michael Brown, the Bush administration’s disgraced head of FEMA during hurricane Katrina, was evacuated from his home above Boulder as a wildfire burned. Analysts said at the time that FEMA could have done more to prevent wildfire danger in the west. This morning Brown, who is a talk radio host in Colorado, is tweeting that four firefighters lost their homes in the Fourmile blaze.
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