On KHOW’s Caplis and Silverman show Monday, host Dan Caplis, asking whether Glenn Beck or Rev. Al Sharpton represents the ideals of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. better, explained that it is the conservative philosophy that serves the interests of people of color.
“There is no logical way to refute my point,” Caplis said. “The conservative philosophy serves civil rights and the interests of people of color better.”
Caplis was referring to the dueling rallies held by talk show host Beck and Sharpton on the anniversary of King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.
While Beck has said that he did not realize the date he chose for his ‘Restoring Honor’ rally had any significance, critics questioned the assertion after it was discovered that the event was to take place at the Lincoln Memorial — the same location King gave his famous speech.
Caplis detailed King’s vision by noting that his philosophy of concrete change for people of “color in this country who had been enslaved and oppressed” was better served by the conservative approach.
“Which approach is more true to those core values, the conservative approach or the liberal approach?” Caplis asked. “And I will give real specific examples about where it is crystal clear that the conservative approach is much more true to Dr. King’s vision than the liberal approach.”
Caplis went on to say that it is Beck and Sarah Palin who are calling for a return to the core American values that our rights come from God and not man, that America was the result of divine providence and this nation was favored by God in its founding. Caplis said President Barack Obama and the left wing does not share that belief with the rest of America.
“[B]ut it came back to this point that our rights come from God not man. That was fundamental to this country….The founders believed — and again I think most American’s do — in God’s providence — that God does — did favor this nation in its founding, and that this nation stands for fundamental rights that God wants all men and women to have, which is that right to free will, to freedom,” Caplis told co-host Craig Silverman. “I think Glenn Beck, in this core point is absolutely right about a common bond that the vast majority of Americans share and that the left does not and that this president does not.”
Silverman said that King was not likely to have become a Republican, noting the shift of Southern Democrats to the Republican Party, King’s support of unions and reliance on the federal government to handle the civil rights issue.
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