In the political rhetoric of the sprawling, overwhelmingly rural Fourth Congressional District in Colorado, Denver seems to get about as much respect as does Washington, which is to say not a lot. Democrat Betsy Markey is running for reelection in this swing district as an independent-minded loyal local, a Fort Collins gal. Her opponent, Republican Yuma state Rep. Cory Gardner, plays down the time he spends at the Capitol in Denver as much as he does his career history as a lawyer. He talks instead about Yuma and working to sell tractors with his father and grandfather.
When Markey and Gardner want to raise cash, though, its not their own district that brings in the bucks. Like pretty much every other politician in Colorado, the real dollars come from Denver.
Gardner has brought in $413,443 from Denver, according to From Fort Collins, Loveland and Greeley combined, he has raised a little more than $90,000.
Markey has brought in $241,334 from Denver. She has raised $114,000 from Fort Collins – Loveland and $122,211 from Boulder-Longmont.
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