The Shenandoah Valley Tea Party Patriots of Staunton, Virginia, have brought out playing cards in the tradition of the “Iraq’s Most Wanted” deck that identified the top dogs of the Saddam Hussein regime. The Shenandoah “Most Wanted” deck identifies U.S. lawmakers who have voted against the values of the Tea Party movement, or at least against the values of the Shenandoah Tea Party Patriots movement. The rhetoric at the website announcing the launch seems intentionally over the top, although it’s hard to tell. Colorado Democratic Rep. Diana DeGette made the deck. She’s not a joker like Speaker Nancy Pelosi or an ace like loathed RINO John McCain. She’s a clutch seven of spades.
The deck was developed to raise funds for tea party movements around the country, or as the Shenandoah Patriots put it: “Every deck you buy from this website or your local Tea Party is helping to secure America’s God-given liberties for generations to come.”
In the same kind of tea party language, the website describes the thinking behind the selections:
“The Politicians represented in this deck were chosen based on four key issues, which either have or would infringe upon our God-given rights of life, liberty and property: TARP, the Stimulus Bill, socialized healthcare and Cap and Trade. Republicans and Democrats alike, who have betrayed the American traditions of individual liberty and personal responsibility by voting for or supporting any of these four issues, are represented.”
Do tea party Americans have a God-given right to property?
One of the patriots behind the deck said there’s nothing sinister about it. It’s not like the Iraq Most Wanted deck in that we’re not looking to kill or capture these lawmakers, said Travis Geary. “By calling it ‘Most Wanted’ it just shows we want [the politicians to be] kicked out of office.”
Instructions appearing with the $7 decks identify the 54 legislators as “dirty politician[s]” and “corrupt congressmen.” The Shenandoah Patriots may see DeGette as dirty and corrupt but, unless they’re being really cheeky, surely they can’t tar her as a “congressman”!
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