All it takes is a little Talking Points Memo magic. The Colorado Independent reported yesterday that Jane Norton told the crowd gathered at the Tea Party candidate forum in Colorado Springs Tuesday night that the nation’s social security system was basically a ponzi scheme. TPM reported it this morning and TPM, of course, had video! Cudos. Democrats jumped on the latest Nortonism and now MSNBC’s Big Ed Schultz has put his own stamp on the story.
The ED Show:
SCHULTZ: We found a Michele Bachmann clone. How about that? It’s the former Lieutenant Governor of Colorado. Norton is running for the Republican nomination for Senate. She went to a Tea Party event just the other day and I’ll tell you what, she fit right in. Here’s why.
NORTON: The federal government is fundamentally out of control. They are seizing control of things like car companies, banks, insurance companies, they are approaching areas of education the EPA and circumventing legislative processes. They are absolutely out of control. With regard to Social Security, it has turned into a ponzi scheme. The money that people pay into it should be there for when they are ready to retire.
SCHULTZ: She thinks Social Security is a ponzi scheme. Notice how that came kind of at the end of her big statement about how liberals are taking over America and we can’t turn this thing around. She just got on a roll and really got after Social Security, which has been the most successful and reliable government program for more than 70 years. Period. Now, watch out Colorado. The woman who wants to be your next senator sounds like she’s reading right out of the Michele Bachmann playbook. Norton is courting the crazy and so far it’s working. She is leading Sen. Michael Bennett in a hypothetical matchup. We’re going to keep an eye on this one in Colorado because anyone who calls Social Security a ponzi scheme belongs in psycho talk.
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