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ROAD RULES, BOULDER: When Second District U.S. Democratic Rep. Jared Polis wasn’t busy laying waste to the nation’s health-care future and deconstructing politics as we know it, he landed that stimulus money Boulder asked for way back in the spring to make a fleet of super-smart city cars. So maybe this means that at least for now Polis has escaped retaliation for being the worst note-passing freshman Congressman ever!
ROAD RULES, FORT MORGAN: Fourth District U.S. Democratic Rep. Betsy Markey sits on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. How does that translate? If she has her way, no more fees, licenses, certifications and examinations for ranchers and farmers who only travel occasionally with their goods across state lines. It also means rural Fort Morgan gets more onramps to the information superhighway through the stimulus-funded Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP).
COLO. MARYJANE CHRONICLES: Torn ligaments, veterans’ post-traumatic stress disorder, immobilizing after-stroke thalamic pain. For the sufferers, the answer is MaryJane. But Board of Health Pres. Glenn Schlabs wasn’t trying to hear any of that, see, cuz he’s the man. Well this time the man was overruled!
QUEER AND HERE, IN THE COMMENTS SECTION: Colorado Springs Gay Pride Fest was Sunday, but the parade continues in the comments thread trailing the city Gazette’s report on the event. Good. Bad. Ugly.
TUFF EDITORIAL STANCE: On this matter, the Greeley Tribune has just got to take a stand: “There are few events left that truly pay homage to our heritage and traditions. The Weld County Fair is one, maybe even the biggest.”
Written and compiled by John Tomasic and David O Williams.
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