With more local politicos using the microblogging service Twitter to surreptitiously feed the rumor mill, rally supporters and bash opponents in 140 characters or less I thought it might be fun to highlight the week’s best, worst or funniest message, known as a “tweet.”
And our inaugural post is a doozy too.
The alleged comment by Bob Clark, a volunteer of Republican U.S. Senate hopeful and Denver businessman Cleve Tidwell (and candidate tweeter himself), was uttered at a May 7 campaign rally which set off a week-long conservative blogger maelstrom?
Hey, did you know that the Star of David is really a swastika?
Clark offers up a vigorous denial of the “outrageous and disgusting behavior” charged by his fellow conservatives that serves only to launch another GOP primary foodfight among supporters of announced candidates Aurora City Councilman Ryan Frazier and Weld County District Attorney Ken Buck and anybody else who just wanted to pile on.
It’s going to be a long election season.