Special holiday greetings from President Bush, the first lady and first family featuring Barney the reporter-chomping First Dog.
As my buddy political communications analyst Jeffrey Feldman sums up at his blog Frameshop after previewing the last taxpayer-funded video Christmas greeting from the Bush White House:
While America descends into the morass of fear and uncertainty caused by our current President, the White House invites us to steal away with a few warm and fuzzy dog-cam shots taken from the eye-level of America’s Presidential pup — a canine, who, while not fantasizing about winning golf tournaments and Olympic medals, proposes and carries out a jingoistic holiday interior decorating scheme as a final tribute to the George W. Bush era of government. The blend of shock, incredulity, and stomach cramps I felt when I watched the first 30 seconds of the Barney Christmas video I will not soon forget.
Happy holidays.