Just how does one cap off a four-term congressional career and quixotic run for president? How about throwing your hat in the ring as best media maven on the campaign trail for your supernatural ability to stay on message about anything even tangentially related to immigration?
According to the Shenanigans blog at Politico, retiring CD 6 Rep. Tom Tancredo is in the hunt for accolades at the annual Flak Bash hosted by über DC-lobbyists Quinn Gillespie & Associates to honor “D.C.’s most intrepid, daring and verbally agile communicators” tomorrow night.
Other names bandied about for possible media glory: McCain-Palin campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds, Republican National Committee spokesman Danny Diaz and bazillionaire oil-exec-turned-renewable-energy pitchman T. Boone Pickens.
The nominating seems to be done anonymously and by the general public, so that should explain a lot.
Typically the awards tend to go to the most well-known, high-profile flaks. “It really is a popularity contest,” says someone close to the process. Maybe more like a student council campaign. Apparently, there are pages upon pages of people’s explanations as to why some should win. “It’s ridiculous,” laughs another insider, in semi-shock over the audaciousness.
Obviously this award — though purely ceremonial — is taken seriously by those nominated. One year, a prominent press guy was crowned winner, throwing a clearly disappointed flak into utter despair. “Don’t they know how hard it is being [incriminated politician’s name here]’s flak?!” he was overheard ranting — with quite a point — at the time.
Bonus read: Also on “Shenanigans” is yet another screed on why CD 4’s Rep. Marilyn Musgrave still refuses to concede the race she lost to Betsy Markey by 12 points and how the gentle-lady from Fort Morgan allegedly hasn’t even thanked her campaign staff.
Perhaps she should call Mr. Tancredo for talking points and a crisis communications plan?