A new Rasmussen poll finds that American gusto on the economy has fallen sharply since Election Day. What’s more? Despite the new post-partisanship celebrated on Nov. 4, political affiliation still affects the rosiness of those economic-colored glasses.
From the Nov. 10 report:
The Rasmussen Consumer Index, which measures the economic confidence of consumers on a daily basis, fell for the fourth time in five days on Monday. At 64.5 the Consumer Index is down ten points since Election Day and is now just a single point above the all-time low recorded in mid-October.
The Rasmussen Investor Index shows a similar trend among investors. The Investor Index shows confidence is down eight points since the election and is now just four points above the lowest level ever recorded in its seven-year history.
Just 9% of all consumers now say the economy is getting better while 70% say it is getting worse.
But all is not lost. Especially if you’re a member of the Grand Old Party.
According to the poll, Republicans share a rosier view of the current economic climate — respondents rated their confidence at a relatively high 81.6 out of a benchmark level of 100, though that figure has plummeted nearly 20 points in less than a week. While not jump-for-joy-fill-your-cart-to-brimming-at-Wal-Mart jubilant, it’s a far sight better than unaffiliated or Democratic survey-takers who pegged their confidence levels at 63.1 (registering a 10-point drop since Election Day) and 51.0 (a measly two point decrease).
Why are the Dems so mopey? Likely because eight out of 10 believe the nation is in recession. That view is shared by 71 percent of unaffiliated voters and 63 percent of Republicans.
Though in one bright spot of non-partisanship none of the respondents believe the economy is getting appreciably better. Who said Americans couldn’t be united on something?
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